MAD Restaurant aka Modern Asian Diner Restaurant
Western, Local, Fusion, Halal
Sunway Putra Mall (used to be called The Mall)
Getting there
This place is accessible via various means. Besides driving there, it is located right across from the PWTC (Putra World Trade Centre), so taxis, buses & LRT are all available as options.
There's ample parking in the mall itself or across at the PWTC or along the commercial area outside of the mall.
True to its name, the decor of the place is rather minimalistically modern. The theme colors of the restaurant being just in 3 colors - Black, White and Grey. The lighting is slightly dimmer and the fabrics on the seats (Some of the seats are single seat cushion sofas) do make the place very cozy.

This place (well at least for this Sunway Putra Mall outlet) is staffed mainly by non-locals. I must say that the level of service is quite good. They are very attentive and polite (when compared with many other places, including some 5-star hotels).
The food presentation is rather quirky as some of them are presented on a wooden platter much like the American-Style casual dining a la Bubba Gump's.

Some others are served on White China, very much like Fine Dining in a luxurious hotel.
I do quite like the food here. Although it's not the best in terms of taste but I like it enough for me to come back for more. One thing to note though is that perhaps quite a bit of flavor enhancers are used. I say this because we usually feel quite thirsty each time after we dine there.
So, am I going to go back there? You bet.