COVID-19 Clampdown Crazy Cumulative Cinematic Content Consumption (Quick-Takes)
Well, if I have to explain what COVID-19 is, then I suppose
you're reading this from another century or universe as it's the world's single BIGGEST event in Human History in the last 100 years!!!
Well, since we're ALL under lockdown (Yeah, I use
'Clampdown' in the tile as it rhymes with the other "C" words.), time
is something that all of us seem to have q lot of. So what do we do? Besides
trying to learn something new (like an online course, or try a new recipe), do
something you've not quite had a chance to do for some time (like playing
Diablo II again after 20 years!) or do what most people do - binge watch and
binge read!
The Butler
(2013 - Forest Whitaker)
I've never been a real fan of biographies or dramas but I really enjoyed this. It's about the true struggles of the black community in America from being slaves to Barack Obama being the US President. Great watch! I highly recommend it.
Birds of Prey (2020 - Margot Robbie. Ewan McGregor, Mary Elizabeth

'Nuff said? It's OK for me. I wanted to see more of the Birds of Prey rather than Harley. Anyway, I'm glad DC is trying their best to catch up with Marvel.
Bees Make Honey (2017 - Alice Eve)
It's a murder mystery (my kinda genre) BUT done in an Artsy-Fartsy style that just lost me very early on in the show. I love watching Alice Eve BUT despite that, it just couldn't keep my attention. don't waste your time.
Bachelor Party (1984 - Tom Hanks)
Typical 80's style mindless coming-of-age type of American nonsensical comedy. I might have enjoyed it a lot more if I were a whole lot younger. Now, it's just pure nonsense. I find it a bit unnerving to watch Tom Hanks doing something this inane. I'd say, don't waste your time.
Bloodshot (2020 - Vin Diesel)
OK - I know it's been panned by almost everyone. BUT after watching it, it's NOT THAT BAD! Sure, they didn't really spend time getting the audience invested into the Hero or the Villain's back-stories. So, they seem to be very flat and 2-dimensional. But perhaps if they do so in the sequel (or in another Valiant Universe movie), then, things will fall into place.
Blow Out (1981 - John Travolta)
John Travolta is not one of my favorite actors but I kind of enjoyed his performance here. Playing a Sound Engineer being at the wrong place at the wrong time makes this a very intriguing watch. A typical 80's style suspense thriller. If you like 80's style suspense thrillers, this is for you. I'd definitely watch it again.
Borley Rectory (2017) A documentary about the most haunted building in
England. Reenacted in a B&W Noir Style, I found myself having a hard time keeping up with who the actors were and who are the real people being interviewed. The topic is indeed very interesting but the execution lost me. It was a difficult watch for me so it's a 'No'.

State (2019 - John Goodman)
Upon realizing that this was NOT an Action Sci-Fi, or Mystery Sci-Fi, I was expecting this to be somewhat like District 9. But it was not! It was simply a "quell the rebellion" drama with a Sci-Fi setting. Having said that, I must say that the production quality was superb. It just couldn't keep my interest or attention for the entire movie. So it's a borderline 'No'.
Castlevania S2+S3 (2018-2019)

Moon (1994 - Ed Harris, Madeleine Stowe)
This is quite a good movie. Just falling short of being great (despite having 2 actors that I really like in there - Ed Harris & Madeleine Stowe). I'd probably watch it again some years later.
Dark (German Series)
This is a GREAT TV SERIES! Despite being in German (English subtitles), I managed to watch only 5 episodes. I'm now trying to find the other episodes as the mystery just sucks you in. It looks, sounds & feels like a horror show but also has elements of mystery, suspense and Sci-Fi. I love it! A 12 year-old boy had just gone missing in a small German town that's virtually crime-free. It's eerily similar to another case that happened exactly 33 years ago.
Dolphins & Whales: Tribes of the Ocean (2008)
If you love nature and the oceans then you'd love this as much as I did.
Ford vs Ferrari (2019 - Matt Damon,
Christian Bale)
You definitely must watch it! It's an adrenaline rush from the very start of the movie to the end. I KNOW I will watch it again sometime in the future. Having 2 of my favorite actors (Matt Damon & Christian Bale) in here is a bonus.
Gettin' Square
An Australian movie about 2 brothers trying to move away from their life of crime. I didn't like it despite having a couple of actors that I really like (Sam Worthington & David Wenham). I'd say, don't waste your time.
Ghost Dog - The Way of the Samurai (1999 - Forest
It's not bad, but it's not great either. Only watch it if you have nothing better to watch or do. This is kinda like a black John Wick who follows the way of the Samurai.
Heavenly Creatures (1994 - Kate Winslet) 
This is one of the earliest (if not THE first) movie from Kate Winslet. She's a great actress and you can see it even from this movie that's based on a real event. 2 friends develop a very strong a special friendship that ends up causing them to murder 1 of the girl's mother. It's quite a good show. Plus, it's directed by Peter Jackson (yes, THAT Peter Jackson!). However, it's not something I would watch again.
Howard's End (1992 - Emma Thompson, Anthony Hopkins)
It's about the things that people do to obtain money or to avoid losing it. If this story was placed in a contemporary setting, I'm sure I'd enjoy it a whole lot more. I was really distracted by the British accents and demeanor of the times portrayed in the movie. It didn't manage to hold my attention to the end.
Knives Out (2019 - Daniel Craig,
Chris Evans)
A Murder mystery - my kinda show. This is one of the BEST movies from the last 12 months. A really fun and engaging watch from the very beginning to the end. You may even want to watch it twice to revisit the scenes for clues.
Life Animated (2017) 
A documentary about how Owen Suskind fought autism with the help of Disney Movies and characters. A very inspirational story that's worth watching but it's just not my cup of tea.
Memory - Origins of Alien (2019) 
A MUST WATCH for any Sci-Fi/Alien fan. A documentary about how the movie ALIEN came to being.
Painted Veil (2006 - Ed Norton,
Naomi Watts)
A newly married couple (a doctor and his trophy wife) from London goes to a remote village in China to help them fight a fast spreading epidemic. A very coincidental topic but very enjoyable nonetheless. Again, it has 2 actors that I really like - Ed Norton and Naomi Watts. This is a beautiful film. A MUST WATCH!
Power of Grayskull (2017)
A documentary about He-Man & the Masters of the Universe. I quite enjoyed this one as well but if you watch this and Turtle Power (see below), you'd know why I enjoyed Turtle Power a whole lot more. Still, He-Man was a major icon of the 90s, just like the TMNT.
Spell (2018) 
An American, dealing with a major life trauma goes to Iceland to find himself. But his adventure turns into something very weird. Was it magical or due to the drugs he's taking?
I didn't like it. It's a VERY SLOW BURN. I'd say, don't waste your time.
The Toys That Made Us
These are the episodes I watched:
- He-Man
- Lego
- My Little Pony
- Power Rangers
- Star Wars
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT)
- Transformers
This is a GREAT TV Series. I enjoyed EVERY SINGLE episode I watched. Go watch it!
Turtle Power - History of the TMNT (2014)
A documentary about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. If you grew up in the 90s, then you can't afford to miss this. I'm sure it'll bring a smile to your face. COWABANGA!