WOW, how time flies. It's already 2021 but COVID-19 is still a major reason many of us are mostly at home. Anyway, here are more of the cinematic content I continued to consume between the last post and this one.
Freaks (2018)
A father (Emile Hirsch) seems to be over-protective of his 7-year old daughter, Chloe (Lexy Kolker) as she’s constantly locked inside their house.
Since Chloe's birth, she’d been told that the mother (Amanda Crew) had been killed as it was really unsafe outside.

With the truth out in the open, Chloe, Dad and Grandpa decided to go rescue Mom.
Dad can slow down time. Grandpa turns invisible. Mom can fly. Chloe is a powerful (Omega-Level?) telepath.
I really liked this as it's what super heroes/mutant films should be. Altho' I admit that the first 30 minutes or so was kind of frustrating as the audience don't really know what was going on. However, once that hurdle is gone, it's a really enjoyable movie. I recommend it, especially for super-hero/comic fans!
Mother and Child (2009)
Karen (Annette Bening) became pregnant at 14, and gave her daughter, Elizabeth (Naomi Watts), up for adoption.
That decision had haunted her for a large part of her adult life.
Karen meets Paco (Jimmy Smits) at work and they eventually get married. Paco convinces Karen to look for Elizabeth at the Catholic orphanage/adoption agency where Karen gave her up.
Elizabeth, having grown up as a self-reliant orphan, is emotionally aloof and guarded. At 37, she's now a renown & successful lawyer, joins a prestigious law firm headed by Paul (Samuel L. Jackson).
They have an affair, and Elizabeth becomes pregnant, leading her to move away to a new job and home without Paul's knowledge. Elizabeth dies while giving birth to her child, who is now an orphan.
Meanwhile, Lucy (Kerry Washington) & Joseph (David Ramsey), a black couple, long to be parents but Lucy is barren. They had been trying all channels to adopt a baby but every attempt seemed to end with disappointment. Sister Joanne (Cherry Jones) from the Catholic adoption agency, who had been helping Lucy now suggested Elizabeth's baby for Lucy to adopt.
1 year later, Karen finds out about Elizabeth's death and her baby being adopted by Lucy. Sister Joanne arranges for Karen to meet Lucy and her granddaughter named Ella.
This was such a beautiful movie. Be ready with lots of tissues as this can be a real tear-jerker (if you allow yourself to be invested in the characters who are all so supremely portrayed by the cast). This is a MUST WATCH!
Sputnik (2020 - Russian Audio with Subtitles)
But something happens just before re-entry to Earth's atmosphere. Only Konstantin Veshnyakov (Pyotr Fyodorov) survives.
Due to her unconventional ways, Dr. Tatyana Klimova (Oksana Akinshina) had been recruited by the Military to help find out what had happened to Konstantin.
We learn that he had not come back alone but there's an alien symbiote inside of him that crawls out each night for food.
Overall, it's a pretty decent Sci-Fi/Horror movie a la the 1st Alien. It manages to create a really tense atmosphere.
But it was a really hard watch for me, not because it didn't offer anything new but because it uses a dark filter (usually used to hide low budget CGI) that made the WHOLE FILM look really dark LITERALLY. For 90% of the 2 hours, the screen was 75-95% black or really dark. Even in broad daylight, the scenes were dark.
Did it offer anything new? No. Was it a decent Sci-Fi? Yes. Would I watch it again? Not likely. Would I recommend it? I'm neutral on it but leaning towards no.
Undercover Brother (2002)

Anton is sent to infiltrate The Man’s HQ to find out what they had done to General Boutwell (Billy Dee Williams), whom the Black Community was expecting to announce his candidacy for President, but instead, declared he was going to start a Fried Chicken Restaurant Chain.
Lance (Neil Patrick Harris), the only White guy in the BROTHERHOOD, was key in preparing Anton for his mission by fast-tracking his knowledge on White culture to ensure a successful infiltration.
However, The Man’s organization has it’s own secret weapon that even Undercover Brother can’t overcome – The White She Devil (Denise Richards). Fortunately for Anton, Sistah Girl (Aunjanue Ellis) is not subject to his weakness.
This is a really fun movie that doesn’t take itself too seriously and the audience gets the payoff despite many of the jokes are clichéd Black vs White culture tropes.
There’s also 2 short cameos by James Brown (YES! THAT James Brown!)
I had a ton of fun watching this. Sure, it's not going to win any awards but I'd definitely be watching Undercover Brother again and again. Recommended.