At this point, I have enough variety of the single characters where if I mash them up, I'd get some interesting group shots. Here are the first few of them.
This one has Machine Man, Prowler with Spider-Man.
This one has Nexus, Dr. Zero with Spider-Woman.

This one has Thor, Prowler with Spider-Man.
This one has (from left): Grendel, Nexus, Vision & Tundra (Marvel's version of Amazons from the future).

Of course, my single-character pieces are still staple. Here's my attempt at Ultraman, who had just recently found his new home in Marvel.

The single-character piece for Snowbird I did before I combined it with Sasquatch (see above).
Donna Troy, the 1st Wonder Girl from the New Teen Titans.
You can find more of my artwork in my Instagram account.