Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) – 1 of the founding members of DC’s Top Heroes – the Justice League.

Firestorm, a member of the Justice League in it’s earlier teams from the 80s to the 90s.
Darth Maul, the Sith who killed Qui-Gon Jinn.
Big Barda, the most dangerous member & leader of Darkseid’s Elite Killer Team – the Furies. However, she’d gone to the side of angels and have been a member of the Justice League for a time.

The next MCU star – Shang-Chi, the Master of Kung-Fu.
Abe Sapien, started off as Hellboy’s trusted partner in the BPRD but eventually took on the leadership role.
Adam Warlock, Thanos’ most feared enemy. Many fans expected him to appear in the MCU but he didn’t despite having an Easter Egg in Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2.

Starbrand, the lead character Marvel used to launch their New Universe back in 1986.
The Original Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers, the current Capt. Marvel) in her classic costume before she transformed into Binary.
Ghost Rider, the Spirit of Vengeance. 1 of Marvel’s most powerful and interesting characters, before the 2 movies destroyed his reputation.

Hyperion, a lead member of the Squadron Supreme, Marvel’s take on the Justice League, and he’s Marvel’s Superman.