It all started back when as a 6-year-old kid, my next-door neighbour - Nicholas Choe Chee Meng (whom I remember fondly & miss dearly), who was a couple of years older than me, showed me and shared his collection with me whenever I and a couple of other kids from the same street popped by his place for some play time.
I was fascinated by the colorful characters and their gaudy costumes. Bear in mind that this was back in the days when TVs were in B&W. So to a kid, anything with so much color was already interesting! I remember 2 of the characters that stood out so much and got stuck in my mind up until today were the Beast (a hero or villain who looked like...a beast!) & Vision (a hero or villain who had red skin and go thru' walls!).

Here, I'll try to include every single comic I ever received from him. Thanks to him, I'm now the comic geek that I am today (much to the chagrin of my parents for many of my formative years as they did not quite think that comic books were appropriate reading material).

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