Sunday, February 28, 2021

My Artwork

I'd been spending quite a bit more time on my drawing tablet. Here are a few of the pieces that I had done recently.

The Vision (white version). Although this incarnation may not be familiar to many, but it first appeared in the late 80s in West Coast Avengers. Now, this version has resurfaced.

 Annihilus - one of the major villains of the Fantastic Four. In fact, some consider him to be a good candidate to be the next big bad in the MCU. As he is the monstrous overlord of the Negative Zone, he controls all the hordes of the Negative Zone. This makes him an even bigger threat than Thanos.

Rocket Raccoon, one of the most recognizable members of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Daredevil had always been one of my favorite Marvel characters since I started reading the title back in the 80s. Here, there are 2 versions of his costume - the most recognized Red one and the classic Yellow costume.
Judge Dredd, although I'd never really been a fan but no one can dispute that he is the most recognizable British comic character of all time.
Thor used to be one of my most loved characters but over the years. This is Thor in his classic costume.
You can find more of my artwork in my Instagram account.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

My Artwork

I've done a few more pieces since my last post. 

I have some in my Instagram account as well. -->> My IG account link

Vision. My favourite android Avenger.
Spider-Woman (in her classic costume). It is hotly rumoured that she'll be having her own Marvel Movie soon. It'll be directed by Olivia Wilde apparently.
A Tattoine Tusken Raider (from Star Wars) plus the Flash, Reverse Flash and Zoom (from DC).
She-Hulk when she was a member of the Fantastic Four. This is an edited version for a piece I did many years ago.
You can find more of my artwork in my Instagram account.