Wednesday, October 18, 2023

What I'd watched recently

These are the movies/films/content that I'd consumed in the last couple of months.

Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files (2011)

A very interesting series with 6 experts who go thru videos and photographs they received and then do in-depth investigations & extensive methods to recreate the videos/photos to see if they are real or hoaxes. Recommended.

Greenland (2020) Gerard Butler

This is a story about a planet-killer-sized comet that is about to hit Earth. The various governments of the world had prepared for such an event but they can only save a handful of people to ensure the survival of the human species.

The movie focuses on John Garrity (Gerard Butler), his wife and young son's journey to the sanctuary in Greenland. 

Despite being very predictable, I really enjoyed watching it and would watch it again.

The Why Files on YouTube

This is my favorite discovery this year as it has consistently high-quality content. Looks like the Why Files Team does extensive research for every video they produce. Moreover, the Host - AJ, is a great orator who manages to hold the viewers' attention. The ONLY element that I don't like about it is their talking fish mascot - Heckle Fish.

Highly Recommended!

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